Women in Business – Best Entrepreneur



Jon Perry



FORT WORTH, TX – NOVEMBER 17, 2009] – MERCHANT SERVICES INC was named a Finalist in the Women in Business – Best Entrepreneur category in the 6th annual Stevie Awards for Women in Business.

The Stevie Awards for Women in Business honor women executives, entrepreneurs, and the companies they run – worldwide.  The Stevie Awards have been hailed as the world’s premier business awards.

Nicknamed the Stevies for the Greek word “crowned,” more than 1,100 entries were submitted this year for consideration in 54 categories, including Best Executive, Best Entrepreneur, and Best Community Involvement Program.  Merchant Services Inc was named a Finalist in the Women in Business – Best Entrepreneur category.

Committed to helping other women, Vanessa Lang volunteers her time, energy and financial resources at the Fort Worth Women’s Business Assistance Center.  As a sponsor of Project New, Ms. Lang recognizes her good fortune of a great education and life experiences by helping first time business owners develop their sales and marketing plans.

Finalists were chosen by business professionals worldwide during preliminary judging.

Members of the Awards’ Board of Distinguished Judges & Advisors and their staffs will select Stevie Award winners from among the Finalists during final judging.

“Being named a Finalist in The Stevie Awards for Women in Business is an important achievement,” said Michael Gallagher, president of the Stevie Awards.  “It means that independent business executives have agreed that the nominee is worthy of recognition.  We congratulate all of the Finalists on their achievement and wish them well in the competition.”

Ms Lang said, “As an Industrial Engineer, I know our people and processes define us and set us apart.  While I am deeply honored to be a finalist, it is our customers, employees and valued business partners that make us the great organization we are.”

Details about The Stevie Awards for Women in Business and the list of Finalists in all categories are available at www.stevieawards.com/women.

About Merchant Services Inc

Merchant Services Inc is a full-service Fort Worth based payment processing company.  We are a Veteran Owned and Woman Owned business.  The founders of Merchant Services, Inc. have diverse backgrounds in business and engineering.  Through our experiences we recognize that many banks and sales organizations are not meeting the needs of merchants.  We are business people that understand the customer’s need for cost effective merchant processing solutions is a necessity to maintain their competitive edge.  Our uniqueness in the marketplace is working with business owners to make them more successful in cost reduction, customer acquisition and loyalty programs.

About The Stevie Awards
Stevie Awards are conferred in four programs: The American Business Awards, The International Business Awards, The Stevie Awards for Women in Business, and The Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service.  Honoring organizations of all types and sizes and the people behind them, the Stevies recognize outstanding performances in the workplace worldwide.  Learn more about The Stevie Awards at www.stevieawards.com.

Sponsors of the 6th annual Stevie Awards for Women in Business (as of October 9) include the Business TalkRadio Network, Covario, Inc., and KeyBank.  Localization partner of the 2009 Stevie Awards is Lionbridge.
