Financial Institutions

Deposits, not merchant services are the life blood of financial institutions.  We are a proven partner that can ensure exceptional service, stickiness and an additional source. Our portal allows you to login and see all of your financial institutions credit card processing customers, including Gainers & Losers, Profitability and Residual Income.

Agent Bank Merchant Services Program

Besides traditional debit / credit card processing, we can also provide sales, service and rotatable pool management to support your Remote Deposit Capture (RDC) program.  For more information, please call Jon Perry at 877.577.3779 ext 701.

Benefits of the Merchant Services, Inc. Agent Bank Program:

  • Customized Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to meet the needs of your business.
  • Strengthen and broaden the relationship of your existing customers by increasing payment acceptance options.
  • No Conversion required.
  • No financial investment from your bank.
  • An extended sales team providing cross-marketing opportunities that connect your bank to likely customers in your community.
Your Financial Institution Benefit Expected Outcome
Financial Benefits Share of net profits through the Merchant Referral Agreement.
Customers with Greater Value Merchants will be less inclined to “shop” for an alternative bank, knowing that merchant services, Gift Cards, Loyalty Programs and internet gateway solutions are available to them through your financial institution.
Improved Overall Image Merchant Services, Inc. values its customers.  Your financial institution can provide additional services without adding additional infrastructure, expensive marketing launches or additional FTE (full time equivalent employees).
Strengthened Operation’s Competitive Position Provide more services with fewer employees.  Merchant Services, Inc. is continuously seeking value added products and services to the marketplace.  This allows your financial institution to outsource those areas that are not core competencies, while profiting.
Operational Advantages Merchant Services, Inc. is your help desk for merchant services issues.  Your financial institution receives income for merchant referrals without the additional infrastructure requirements.