Merchant Services Testimonials
From our old name 888QuikRate to our current name of Merchant Services Inc, we have provided world class service for our customers. Below is a video Merchant Services testimonial. We also encourage you to look at our Merchant Services testimonials on LinkedIn.
We strive to ensure our agreements are as clear and concise as possible, while providing fair and competitive rates. Service after the sale is equally, if not more important, than having the lowest rates. Our services include 24/7 customer help here in the United States. Next Day Funding for companies that want their money sooner than the industry standard of two to four days.
If you are looking for better service, 24/7 responsiveness, a sense of urgency from your processor and reducing your credit card processing costs, then you are at the right place! All of our merchant service accounts are Visa MasterCard Interchange. We get to know your business. We ask questions to comprehend your business process, so you can get the lowest rates, quick payment, along with seamless, transparent service that doesn’t have you pulling out your hair!
Please fill out the short form below and we will call you within one business day. Note: Your business and bank must be in the United States. We utilize fraud prevention tools to ensure each merchant complies with federal laws.
* A 45 day written notice is required to waive termination fees.